Growth performance and haematology of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fed varying inclusions of Leucaena leucocephala seed meal based-diets Evaluación del crecimiento y hematología de Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) alimentados con diferentes
COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PROXIMATE AND MINERAL ELEMENT COMPOSITION OF CLARIAS GARIEPINUS FROM THE CULTURED AND WILD SOURCES ... proximate and mineral composition of Clarias gariepinus both from the wild and cultured environments. ... 1985; Beleau, 1992, De Graaf et al., 1996). Freshwater fish constitutes 69.6% of the total fish supply available to ...
Key words : Clarias gariepinus, Protein-energy ratio Introduction ... (DE) value of fish meal, fish oil, dextrin and soybean oil estimated in 48 . Protein-energy ratio for African catfish ... composition according to standard procedures given in AOAC (1980). Statistical
122 Funmilola Ajani et al.: Effects of Oxadiazon on Nutrient Utilization and Growth of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) conifer nurseries and landscapes (i.e. industrial sites, ornamental, roadside plantings, woody, ornamental shrubs, vines, trees and herbaceous ornamentals).
The Effect of Different Protein Levels and Temperatures on Feed Utilization, Growth and ... atures on feed utilization, growth and body composition of Clarias gariepinus (Burchelll822). Aquaculture, 76: 293-301. ... (De Leeuw, 1985).
Ce silure se rencontre dans des eaux généralement calmes, de composition chimique variée (alcalines, magnésiennes et douces). Son organe suprabranchial lui permet de vivre dans des eaux polluées pauvres en oxygène.
A dynamic simulation model was adapted to investigate the effect of feed composition on growth of Clarias gariepinus.The effect of feed composition was restricted to that of the macronutrients, i.e. protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Clarias gariepinus reared alongside with the local C. batracus are fed with offal, bread, mustard oilcake, maize flour, and restaurant garbage. About 300 tonnes is said to be produced in Nepal in 2010.
composition and production. Most fish farmers opt for this ... Indonesia, and India (De Silva and Anderson, 2009). Habitat It is a nocturnal fish like many catfish. It feeds on living, ... Clarias gariepinus (Juvenile) was measured to be about 0-10 cm and 0-20 g, total average of the Juvenile was
The aims of this study were to evaluate the nutritional quality (proximate composition, amino and fatty acid profiles, cholesterol and mineral contents) of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and determine the effect of different cooking methods (grilling, boiling and frying) on biochemical composition.
Clarias gariepinus are readily recognized by their cylindrical body with scaleless skin, flattened bony head, small eyes, elongated spineless dorsal fin and four pairs of barbels around a broad mouth.
Comparison of proximate composition and sensory attributes of Clariid catfish species of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, and their hybrids. ... Proximate chemical composition of catfish species of Clarias ... Vietnam. IRD (Institut de recherché pour le developpement), 13572 Marseille Cedex 02, France. Leong, J., C. Kasamatsu ...
Abstract: This study was conducted on the assessments of biological water quality and condition factor of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) of Lake Alau, Nigeria.Water was sampled biweekly for the period of seven months from five sampling stations and was determined according to …
The current study aims to determine the effect of smoking methods (Hot and cold) on the chemical composition of catfish fillets (Clarias gariepinus), as well as following of the changes that occurred during the of refrigeration storage at 4°C ± 1°C for 40 days.The moisture contents of catfish fillets samples sharply decreased after smoking process.
Abstract. Summary The aims of this study were to evaluate the nutritional quality (proximate composition, amino and fatty acid profiles, cholesterol and mineral contents) of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and determine the effect of different cooking methods (grilling, boiling and frying) on biochemical composition.
The growth performance and economic returns of Clarias gariepinus (African Catfish) fed different diets containing palm oil, ... (De-Silva and Anderson, 1998; Sargent and Tacon, 1999). ... The fatty acid composition of the dietary lipid has a significant influence on the tissue fatty acid composition of
Read "Mineral status of African catfish ( Clarias gariepinus ) fed diets containing graded levels of soybean or cottonseed meals, Aquaculture" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips.
using Clarias gariepinus and to determine the effect of Monodora myristica (local nutmeg) and sorbitol on the physical quality, proximate composition and trimethyl- amine content of the product.
"Chicken Viscera Meal as a Main Component in Diet for African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Reared in ... Whole-body composition of C. gariepinus fed the experimental are ... Effets d’une couverture d’Azolla sur les performances de croissance et de production de Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) élevé en étangs. International ...
considered specific indicators of sympathetic activation The common species found areClarias gariepinus, during stress conditions [13]. Basic ecological factors, Clarias anguillaris and Clarias …
666 Revista UDO Agrícola 9 (3): 666-671. 2009 Replacement of fish meal with maggot meal in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) diets Sustitución de harina de pescado con harina de larvas en dietas para el bagre Africano (Clarias gariepinus) Alphonsus Okey ANIEBO1, Ebere Samuel ERONDU 2 and Onyema Joseph OWEN3 1Department of Animal Science, Anambra State University Igbariam, PMB …
Composition et teneurs analytiques des formules alimentaires pour Clarias gariepinus 5. Compte d'exploitation d'une pisciculture artisanale de Clarias (monoculture ou polyculture avec tilapia) de 4 ares à proximité de Bangui
Abstract. The feeding behaviour of the freshwater piscivore, Clarias gariepinus (C. lazera) (C & V 1840) was studied over two periods: 1973–1975 and 1981–1982, in Lake Kinneret (Israel). The total number of fish analysed was 264 and their sizes (SL) and weights varied between 238 and 830 mm (146 to 5728 g).
Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) or African catfish is a species of catfish of the family Clariidae. It is one of the most highly valued species in Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali and Nigeria) and Asia (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand).
growth performance and body composition of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings Omosowone O.O.1; Dada A.A.1 ... hence, it is used in research (De Graaf and Jansen, 1996). The flesh of this species is also highly acceptable among ... experimental diets for Clarias gariepinus with crude protein values of 40%. Ingredient CG1 ...
Get this from a library! Dietary L-Carnitine and energy and lipid metabolism in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles. [R O de A Ozório; E A Huisman; J A J Verreth; M W A Verstegen; J W Schrama] -- As the lipid content of the diet increases so does the requirement for certain components involved in lipid metabolism. Carnitine is a normal constituent of animal tissues and plasma ...
Evaluation of nutritional quality of Clarias gariepinus from selected fish farms in Oyo, Ekiti and Ondo States in Nigeria was carried out by analyzing the proximate composition, trace elements, fatty acids and cholesterol levels of the fish.
nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings. C. ... (De Silva et al., 1989; Buttle et al., 1995). Also, ... The African catfish, Clarias gariepinus is a highly demanded indigenous fresh water food fish in Nigeria. It’s resistant to diseases, has the ability to tolerate a wide range of ...
COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE PROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF NUTRIENTS IN Clarias gariepinus WILD AND CULTURED Olopade O.A 1, Sanwo S.K 1 and Oyekola A.B 1 ... the concentration of nutrients and the de-naturation effect of smoking …
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