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Text-book of Machine Drawing by V Lakshmi Narayanan and Mathur 2. Machine Drawing by PS Gill, BD Kataria and Sons, Ludhiana 3. Machine Drawing by ND Bhatt, Charotar publications 4.
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Appearance. Amber occurs in a range of different colors. As well as the usual yellow-orange-brown that is associated with the color "amber", amber itself can range from a whitish color through a pale lemon yellow, to brown and almost black.
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For its 44th edition from 19 to 22 October 2017 in Paris, FIAC hosts a carefully balanced selection of leading international galleries in the iconic Grand Palais.
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Civil Service Day (21st April) Every year. in New Delhi on 21st April. The award includes a medal. Check the list of awards (File referring to external site opens in a new window) presented on April 21.
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