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Jean-Pierre Lengrand is feeling impatient with Gregory Derbay and 5 others at Laminoir L.M.E. Sp S on S so S red S · July 22 · Trith-Saint-Léger, France ·
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The Town of Lamoine Maine was incorporated in 1870. It is located in Hancock County, bordered on the North by City of Ellsworth, the County Seat, on the East by the Town of Hancock, on the West by the Town of Trenton, and to the South by Frenchman Bay and the Town of Bar Harbor.
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Laurent Salvador Lamothe (born 14 August 1972) is a Haitian businessman, economist, and political figure who has served in the government of Haiti as Minister of Foreign Affairs since October 2011, having been appointed Prime Minister on 4 May 2012. Previously, he was co-founder and CEO of the company Global Voice Group. On 14 December 2014, Lamothe resigned as Prime Minister for personal reasons.
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La Loche is a village in northwest Saskatchewan. It is located at the end of Highway 155 on the eastern shore of Lac La Loche in Canada's boreal forest. La Loche had a population of 2,611 in 2011 and is within the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.
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Lamoine is a town in Hancock County, Maine, United States. The town was named after an early resident, Andre LeMoyne. The spelling shifted slightly over the years. "Le moine" is French for "the monk." The population was 1,495 at the 2000 census; 1,602, at the 2010 census.
The Lamborghini Countach (help · info) is a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel-drive, sports car produced by the Italian automobile manufacturer Lamborghini from 1974 to 1990. It is one of the then-exotic designs conceptualized by Italian Design house Bertone, which pioneered and popularized the sharply angled "Italian Wedge" design language.
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