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Robotpark MF-70 CNC Kit is a kit produced by Robotpark to convert manual micro milling machine Proxxon MF-70 to a computer controlled 3-axis CNC milling machine. The kit includes stainless steel motor mounts to connect the stepper motors to the hand wheel, one NEMA 23 stepper motor for each axis, a boxed electronic control board for computer communication and a 24V 5A power adapter.
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For Sale : Na Etau de fraisage, Vices (5220) available at RDMO. Browse Pictures and technical data, price on request.
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Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining . 2 Editorial Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo: May 2014 update IPIS dedicates this report to Germain Bikuba Assani, who was a diligent collaborator and a valued friend.
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Cette étude est basée sur une analyse expérimentale des performances de coupe de plaquettes de fraisage en carbure métallique ISO P35. La première série est non revêtue et l’autre revêtue avec une simple couche de (TiN).
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For Sale : Na Etau de fraisage MHS 161-16, Vices (3169) available at RDMO. Browse Pictures and technical data, price on request.
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