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French: ·snot (mucus)· glanders··first-person singular present indicative of morver third-person singular present indicative of morver first-person singular present subjunctive of morver third-person singular present subjunctive of morver second-person singular imperative of morver
May 25, 2017· morveux (feminine singular morveuse, masculine plural morveux, feminine plural morveuses) glandered; snotty (kid) Noun . morveux ...
English Translation of “morveux” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.
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Yves Morieux thinks deeply about what makes organizations work effectively. A senior partner in BCG’s Washington D.C. office and director of the BCG Institute for Organization, Morieux considers how overarching changes in structure can improve motivation for all who work there.
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Translation for 'morveux' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.
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