micritic translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'microfiche',microlight',micro',macrobiotic', example of use, definition, conjugation ...
The reef bodies exhibit biostromal character, grading laterally into siliciclastic, intraclastic, oolitic, bioclastic grainstones and siliciclastic sandstones. Obviously, water energies were considerable during the growth of these reefs and it must be assumed that abrasion caused by …
fr Des échantillons de calcaire, dolomie, calcaire dolomitique, marbre, travertin, grès, siltite, basalte et lave basaltique de différentes régions de Turquie ont été testés pour déterminer la résistance à la compression simple, la porosité, la densité, la vitesse de propagation des ondes P, …
oolitic, oncolitic and intraclastic grainstones and packstones of high energy environment was vertically followed by Bositra bearing pelagic limestones and finally the Rosso Ammonitico facies in MaIm.
Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers.
Nomination of the Dolomites for inscription on the World Natural Heritage List UN 3 THE TENTATIVE LIST AND THE NOMINATION OF THE DOLOMITES This Nomination ...
Dolostone, dolomitic limestone, sandy limestone, sandy dolostone and rocks containing mixtures of micritic calcite, dolomite and detrital material are predominant, and are associated with minor amounts of sandstone, evaporites and micritic, shelly, intraclastic and oncolitic limestone.
Imbraca variate aspecte structurale si texturale care se reflecta in denumirea lor specifica. briozoare) formeaza calcare bioconstruiteiar cele solitare (foraminifere. lumpuri) si participarea lor procentuala pentru a determina varietatile (calcar intraclastic. etc. minerale argiloase.
English Translation of “calcaire” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.
Within the bioclastic–intraclastic packstone–grainstone facies, 10–20 cm thick storm lags rich in dasycladalean algae have been found at Mt. Pramaggiore (Fig. 2 a, b), and were collected for further palaeontological examination. The occurrence of relatively large and heavily calcified dasycladalean algae within the bioclastic ...
. etc. calcaire récifal. de multe ori dispus in cruste compacte. Microstructura scheletelor si testurilor de natura minerala este adesea specifica si poate avea caracter de diagnostic. Structura: omogena. se deosebesc: calcare cu foraminifere.au structuri celulare evidente. fara stratificatie evidenta.
Fewer specimens were also found in the intraclastic-bioclastic wackestone, packstone and floatstone in the immediate vicinity of the oncoid/grapestone facies . The oncoid rudstone corresponds to the Standard Microfacies Type 13 of Flügel (2004) and marks the back-reef area ( Flügel, 2004 : p. 696, fig. 4.17).
Palustrine facies show scattered gastropods and ostracods, channel and crack porosity, intraclastic-clotted-peloidal and brecciated textures. Laminar crust is linked to the first association, and is present in the south and north margins of the unit.
Detailed review of the stratigraphy of Kent and the Boulonnais. Geology of Kent and the Boulonnais. ... (Calcaire de Blacourt). ... is characterised by shell-detrital (predominantly fragmented and comminuted Mytiloides spp.) and intraclastic chalks. Near the base, a bed of calcarenite largely composed of microcrinoid debris (Roveacrinus) yields ...
Palmer: Dynamics of Cave development by Allogenic water Fig. ding along fractures. Big Brush Creek Cave is located at an elevation of 2500 m in the Uinta Mountains of Utah in the Carboniferous Deseret and Humbug Formations (Fig. 16). but most floodwater dissolution has been upward into the Humbug. 17). which presents a considerable impediment ...
L'étude de ces dépôts à différentes échelles, macroscopique (description lithologique) et microscopique (pétrographie et miné-ralogie), montre qu'ils ont une structure tabulaire tout en reposant en discordance angulaire sur la série marno-calcaire de l'Aptien-Albien.
INTRODUCTION. i Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis A Color Guide to the Petrography of Carbonate Rocks: Peter A. Scholle Director, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, NM 87801
The Kale (Gtimtishane) area is situated in the nonh-eastern part of Turkey. The shallow water Berdiga Limestone was deposited in this region during Late Jurassic·Early Cretaceous time.
en Dolostone, dolomitic limestone, sandy limestone, sandy dolostone and rocks containing mixtures of micritic calcite, dolomite and detrital material are predominant, and are associated with minor amounts of sandstone, evaporites and micritic, shelly, intraclastic and oncolitic limestone.
intraclastic limestone (algal-foraminiferal wackestones to packstones). These beds form approximately 10 m thick intercalations, within recrystallised lime mud- ... (algue calcaire) nouvelle du Berriasien et du Valanginien de la région méditerranéenne.- Geol. vjesnik, 30/1, 69-72.
Sheet1 correlation, exponential basin subsidence model of Derry, 1994 N ni 10+ correlation, exponential basin subsidence model of Derry, 1995 P126
In the Causses platform (south-east France), Late Hettangian to Sinemurian deposits were interpreted previously as shallow-water carbonate ramp deposits. A new look at these deposits has shown a fault-controlled mosaic carbonate platform that is
Expert in sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, mineral exploration, inorganic and organic geochemistry. Consultant in mineral and hydrocarbon potential resources.
Limestone resources in Central Africa ... le calcaire. Aucune évolution significative n'a eu lieu depuis, en dépit de nombreux projets. This document is part of this set: Limestone resources in Central Africa; ... Intraclastic deposits . showing . herring-bone cross-bedding are laid down in this zone during.
Dolomites: A Volume in Honour of Dolomieu Edited by Bruce Purser, Maurice Tucker and Donald Zenger © 1994 The International Association of Sedimentologists ISBN: 978 ...
capacity of lismore tabulam limestone mine sibelco. capacity of lismore tabulam limestone mine . intraclastic limestone gracehotels.co.in. capacity of lismore tabulam [MORE] Limestone Grinding Machine of Capacity,Hardness,Sizes and moth s hardness limestone capacity of
Windsor Group (Late Mississippian) stratigraphy, Magdalen Islands, Quebec: a rare eastern Canadian record of late Visean basaltic volcanism
Borings and etchings in the Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian oolite of the Paris Basin (France) Bruno Granier. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas, 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (USA)
LFA2 is characterized by intraclastic, peloid and ooid grainstone and stromatolitic horizons and is mostly confined to uppermost strata . Discontinuous beds of graded and massive conglomerate characterize LFA4 and locally form lenses within LFA1 and LFA2.
Sedimentary parameters for computer modeling. by Paul Enos Department of Geology, University of Kansas Abstract. The sedimentary parameters that are most important in modeling sedimentary sequences and geometry are accumulation rate, lag time, and accommodation space.
Contextual translation of "bioclastique" into English. Human translations with examples: bioclastic rock.
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