Concluding that this “machine-or-transformation test” is the sole test for determining patent eligibility of a “process” under §101, the court applied the test and held that the application was not
The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO). Find information on applying and searching for patents, legal issues on patents, patent grants, rules and regulations about European and international patent applications. Explore engineering careers and apply for jobs in engineering.
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The Manually Self-Operated Butt-Kicking Machine invention is a new and useful machine, which has more uses and benefits than the previously patented and published butt-kicking devices. This machine is also much more user-friendly than earlier devices and is especially designed for safety.
The Society of the Cincinnati is a hereditary society with branches in the United States and France, founded in 1783, to preserve the ideals and fellowship of officers of the Continental Army who served in the Revolutionary War.
Prior art keywords latex characterized parts method aggregate Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.
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Alibaba offers 118,722 plastic granulating machine products. About 21% of these are plastic granulators, 5% are recycle washing line, and 2% are plastic crushing machines. A wide variety of plastic granulating machine options are available to you, …
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides PATENTSCOPE ® Search Service, which features a full-text search of published international patent applications and machine translations for some documents as well as a list of international patent databases.
Additionally, premarket approval applications for Class III devices to which the Quality System regulation violations are reasonably related will not be approved until the violations have been ...
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A Utility Patent Application Transmittal Form (Form PTO/AIA/15) or a transmittal letter should be filed with every patent application to identify the items being filed (e.g., specification, claims, drawings, declaration, and information disclosure statement). The form identifies the applicant(s), the type of application, the title of the ...
International Game Technology PLC, formerly Gtech S.p.A. and Lottomatica S.p.A., is a multinational gaming company that produces slot machines and other gaming technology.
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K32S machine is dedicated to high speed inspection of vials, ampoules and cartridges filled with pharmaceutical liquid (including oily solutions and suspensions) and freeze-dried products.
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une bonne vue, une utilisation flexible et simple de la machine. L’opérateur garde la table d’application bien en vue et peut ainsi appliquer l’enrobé coulé à froid avec un haut niveau de qualité.
Spajic DOO core business is the production of steel fibers, cut wire abrasives and heavy duty machines for steel fiber/abrasives manufacturing.
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o. & w. wright. flying machine. application filed mar. 23, 1903 united states patent office. orville wright and wilbur wright, of dayton, ohio. flying-machine.
When you use Espacenet, you also have access to a number of helpful tools and resources. Classification search. Classification search is a powerful tool for you if you need to retrieve patent publications in a particular technical area.
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Oct 31, 2013· Capsule Filling Machine Semi Auto pharmaceutical pills filler equipment Fuellmaschine fuer Kapseln designed and manufactured by our engineer team in cosmetic&food&pharma making and packaging ...
Nov 21, 2014· - Hochleistungs-Einblasmaschine - Für alle Einblasdämmstoffe geeignet - Präzise Steuerungsmöglichkeiten - Staubarme Befüllung mit Absaugmöglichkeit
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In most cases, applications can be approved automatically. Once approved, your medal or award can be purchased through the online store . Some awards are presented to …
Five machine features must be known in order to rate vibratory rollers: (a) unsprung drum weight, (b) rated dynamic force, (c) frequency at which the rated dynamic force is developed, (d) amplitude of the drum vibration, and (e) drum width.
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With its numerous applications, A1 represents the first automatic machine for the inspection of liquid, freeze dried and powder products with extremely reduced format change parts. Main features Container Diameter: Up to 95mm
The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla (ISBN 978-1-566-19266-8) is a book compiled and edited by Jim Glenn detailing the patents of Nikola Tesla. External links [ edit ] FreePatentsOnline
materielles de cariere de marbre - … Matériel pour carrières et pour le travail… fraiseuse pour marbre et carrieres, haveuse des carriere travertin, machine pour fendre la pierre, chassis de sciage a ...
Rapid Mixer Granulator - The High Shear Mixer/Granulator is a multi-purpose processor equally suitable for high speed dispersion of dry powders, aqueous or solvent granulations, and …
Legal battles around the 1796 patent taken out by James Watt for his steam engine, established the principles that patents could be issued for improvements of an already existing machine and that ideas or principles without specific practical application could also legally be patented.
Vortex spreaders eliminate most hand application of granular product, utilizing positive airflow to propel granular material to the desired area. Applications include ornamental plant beds, containers, in-ground nursery material, waterways and ice-melt applications.
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