Tradition dictates that, following the launch of any fantastically priced and lunatically powered hypercar, the next thing said high-end manufacturer does is sign a tie-in deal…
How well does the theory of planned behaviour predict alcohol consumption? A systematic review and meta-analysis Richard Cookea*, Mary Dahdaha, Paul Normanb and David P. Frenchc aSchool of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK; bDepartment of Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; cManchester Centre of Health Psychology,
Di Long, Bridget R. Scanlon, Laurent Longuevergne, Alexander Y. Sun, D. Nelun Fernando and Himanshu Save, GRACE satellite monitoring of large depletion in water storage in response to the 2011 drought in Texas, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 13, (3395-3401), (2013).
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Genevois J-P, Remy D, Viguier E, Carozzo C, Collard F, Cachon T, Maitre P, Fau D. Prevalence of hip dysplasia according to official radiographic screening, among …
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Data collected included dietary intake of vit D, sun exposure history and colorimeter readings, BMI, medications, small bowel resections, disease activity, CRP, and serum 25‐OH D. Patients with suboptimal vit D levels were started on supplementation and a follow‐up level was obtained.
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The input data for the model are the result of numerous field investigations (well pumping tests, sieve analyses), hydrometeorological and hydrological data, groundwater extraction data and groundwater-level data obtained during the two representative periods of 2007–2008 and 2010–2011.
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Abstract. Increasing groundwater extraction threatens aquifer sustainability for future generations. Making the best use of limited groundwater resources requires knowledge of its alternative extractive and non-extractive values, as well as the cost of extraction …
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Evaluating microstructural parameters of three-dimensional grains generated by phase-field simulation or other voxel-based techniques ... the total amount of three-phase boundary (TPB) in the cathode of a solid oxide fuel cell is known to play a critical role in ... Perhaps the most popular algorithm for isosurface extraction is the Marching ...
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message
Batteries for Efficient Energy Extraction From a Water Salinity Difference. CFD modeling of transport and electrochemical . ... (2011) Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation Methodology Overview The fuel cell is an outstanding example for a multi-scale system. This situation is ... (TPB) (see Figure 3). The mechanisms were validated using ...
Sub-Division Design Assignment 2011. Strategic Management ... Management System 992 Ouvrage Aérien/ elevated work Désenfumage/Smoke Management System 903 Général Système d'extraction/Fire Fighting System 913 Gare souterraine/ underground station Système d'extraction/Fire Fighting System 923 Bâtiment souterrain autre que gare/ underground ...
• Extraction grid with 3m long wires • Photogrammetry measurements and slow control data from cold bath tests •Minimize spacing between adjacent CRP modules –presently gap of 10mm (warm)
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2.3.2. Simulation scenario. Throughout the simulation scenario the distance travelled was displayed in the bottom left corner of the central projection surface and gears one, two, three, four or five, depending on which gear the driver was in, was displayed in the bottom middle of the central projection surface.
ReDrop is a simulation tool which can predict the behaviour of pulsed extraction columns on pilot-plant scale. Because it follows a certain number of drops during their entire lifetime in an extraction column, it can be seen as a Monte-Carlo solution of drop-population balances.
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Feb 16, 2014· Data extraction and synthesis. We extracted study characteristics, nature of the socio‐cognitive theory, SDM behaviour, and theory‐based determinants of the SDM behavioural intention or behaviour. We computed simple frequency counts.
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Written comments on this paper will be accepted until June 2011. Regional Sustainability of the Chateauguay River Aquifers ... en eau souterraine. Le niveau régional d’exploitation durable est ...
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Figure 1: Vertically-sectioned drawing of the DS-10 detector. pletely immersed in a liquid argon (LAr) bath contained in a vacuum-insulated stainless steel Dewar.
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