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to interface with amplifier evm tida-00353 csb_lmh_3p3 sh8 sclk_lmh_3p3 sh8 sdi_lmh_3p3 sh8 ... c20 0.1u dni 2 1 c30 0.1u dni 2 1 r33 10k dni 2 1 c31 0.1u dni 2 1 t9 tcm4-19+ dni 6 6 4 4 3 ... c50 a/r dni 1 2 c13 a/r dni 1 2 l5 a/r dni l8 a/r dni c46 a/r dni 2 1 c48 a/r 2 dni l9 a/r dni c45 a/r dni 1 2 l6 a/r dni c40 a/r dni 2 1 c42 a/r dni 1 2 ...
Elecraft K2 SchematicsCompiled by Sverre Holm, LA3ZA, from manual pages of Rev 1.0 - 18 February 2005 Conte...
TABLET PC SCHEMATICS details for FCC ID ZDRTC979 made by Matsunichi Digital Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.. Document Includes Schematics TC979 V03_1105.
Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers.
The C64C is a redesign of the successful Commodore 64. Due to the light color and the slim cabinet it can be easily distinguished from the original C64 ("Breadbox"). Due to the light color and the slim cabinet it can be easily distinguished from the original C64 ("Breadbox").
C20 to C13 Power Cords. C20 to C13 jumper cords are used between computer equipment and a power distribution unit (PDU) in a data rack. C13 connects to the male C14 inlet or power cord plug and the C20 mates with the C19 receptacle on the PDU.
c100 c64 4.01 8 k15b 4 9 /rscl miso3 10 c277 c94 c76 c109 srck c161 sin 16 c112 gnd c166 vcc c192 1 l24 l22 13 c227.01 u8 40/60 m l20 5 10 ... c20 .01 j81 rxlo2 (w6) (not used) 22 c30 6- ... c40 c14 0.1 c50 c35 c53 c34 c32 5v 1 c56 .01 u4.01 2
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I am working on a complete high performance transceiver for narrow band SSB/CW (and possibly also AM and FM) on shortwave and/or VHF (amateur radio bands) based on signal processing in an FPGA together with 24 bit ADC and a very fast DAC.
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Cap kit for the Commodore C64 computer, ASSY 250407 / KU-14194HB Learn More
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1N4148 SMD datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format.
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The acceleration voltage directs the Helium ions to the target at the entrance of an amplifier, an electron multiplier based system, developed and patented by ALCATEL. 6 ... K9 PF1 C100 Z24 R197 R196 Z28 Z27 C48 J42 J34 C51 ... C50 Z22 TP11 K7 C40 + + +-+ C41 …
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