incongruent meaning: 1. not suitable or not fitting well with something else: 2. used to describe a shape in mathematics that does not have the same shape and size as another: . Learn more.
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An indictment (/ ɪ n ˈ d aɪ t m ə n t / in-DYT-mənt) is a criminal accusation that a person has committed a crime.In jurisdictions that use the concept of felonies, the most serious criminal offence is a felony; jurisdictions that do not use the concept of felonies often use that of an indictable offence—an offence that requires an indictment.
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Definition of incongruent from the Collins English Dictionary. Do. The verb do is used as an auxiliary verb. I do not want it. We do not want it. You do not want it. You do not want it. He does not want it. They do not want it. I did not w... Read more about 'Do' Word of the day:
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