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Au niveau minier, elle exploite plus de 87,5 % du cuivre du Mexique, mais exploite également de l'or, de l'argent, du zinc, du plomb et du molybdenum en exploitant 13 mines actuellement en opération. Elle est fortement présente au Mexique, mais aussi au Pérou, au Chili et aux USA.
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Some Japanese cars available on TradeCarView are Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi. Individuals can also find cars manufactured by Mazda, Subaru, Suzuki and Isuzu on this website. CarView a joint venture between several large corporations, including Softbank, Microsoft, Yahoo Japan and Seven-Eleven Japan.
Car malgré douze mois de frappes aériennes de la coalition internationale, les djihadistes ont accentué leur mainmise sur la province orientale de Deir Ezzor, ont progressé dans le centre de la Syrie, en conquérant en mai la cité antique de Palmyre, dont ils ont détruit nombre de sites historiques, et s'approchent aujourd'hui de la ville de Homs (Ouest).
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tradecarview is an online vehicle listing service that connects international used car buyers with Japanese used car sellers. tradecarview itself is not a car seller. Any listing information about a particular vehicle comes directly from the seller. tradecarview does …
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Toyota is the largest car manufacturer and the largest company in Japan. Production/Sales Volume reached about 900 million units (the total number of passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle) including its group company Daihatsu and Hino Motors, and Toyota has become the number one car selling company in the world in 2007, overtaking General Motor.
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; The United States, Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany are considering getting involved in some important Siberian projects. They would provide capitals and technology, and in most cases, they would receive a major portion of the project's associated output.
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Translations in context of "dump trucks" in English-French from Reverso Context: Major Canadian exports consist of cereals, paper (newsprint), off-road dump trucks, machinery and electrical equipment and leguminous vegetables.
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