Depuis décembre 2009, l’UNICEF soutient l’unité de traçage des familles située à Vavuniya, au nord du Sri Lanka. Cette entreprise en partenariat avec le gouvernement a pour objectif d’aider à la réunification des familles comme celle de Jhoncy, qui ont été séparées au cours de la phase finale du conflit au Sri Lanka.
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Mark Lowcock, Briefing to the Security Council on the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen, 16 November 2018
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COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD. The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the body of 18 Independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by its State parties. It also monitors implementation of two Optional Protocols to the Convention, on involvement of children in armed conflict and on sale of children, child prostitution and child ...
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Sri Lanka, Colombie, Iran, Moldavie, Roumanie : les médecins résidents à Val-d'Or, en Abitibi, ont des origines extrêmement variées. Depuis quelques années, la moitié des huit résidents accueillis par l'Unité de médecine familiale (UMF) de la Vallée-de-l'Or sont des médecins diplômés venant de l'ext...
Children's Day is a day recognized to celebrate children.The day is celebrated on various dates in different countries.
Le Réseau Africain des Professionnels de la Gestion des Projets (RAPGP) est un regroupement d’experts du secteur public, parapublic et de la société civile qui interviennent dans la planification, le pilotage, la gestion, l’Exécution et l’Evaluation des projets de Développement dans les pays Africains.
Nov 22, 2018· b) L'annulation de la décision prononçant l'exécution du renvoi se serait aussi imposée étant donné que la Commission n'aurait pas non plus été à même de se déterminer, en l'état, sur l'exigibilité de l'exécution d'un éventuel renvoi au Sri Lanka de la recourante, compte tenu de l'art. 14a, al. 4 LSEE et de la jurisprudence y ...
AUSTRALIA AU AUS 036 # Include Insula Lord Howe, Insula Macquarie. Insulele Ashmore şi ... CANADA CA CAN 124 CAPUL VERDE Republica Capului Verde CV CPV 132 # Insule principale: São Tiago, São ... Socialistă Sri Lanka LK LKA 144 STATELE UNITE Statele Unite ale Americii US USA 840 SUDAN Republica Sudan SD SDN 736 SUEDIA
Le Sri Lanka est un Etat insulaire intéressant, situé sur la côte sud-est de l'Inde, où l'on trouve des bâtiments historiques de l'époque coloniale. Colombo est une ville fascinante où les tuk-tuks et les animaux de ferme se promènent au milieu des gratte-ciels.
HAVANA MEETS KINGSTON A Journey To Unite The Music Of Cuba & Jamaica. Australian producer and keyboardist Jake Savona is bringing together a small team of dedicated Australian musicians and filmmakers to travel to the Caribbean this year.
Documents of the SEP (Sri Lanka) The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) This document, The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), was adopted unanimously at the party's founding congress in …
UNICEF Canada is a children’s charity and humanitarian organization. Join 170,000+ Canadian supporters and start saving children’s lives! We are UNICEF Canada. Together, we do whatever it takes to save and transform children’s lives. For us, there is No Child Too Far.
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The Sri Lanka Armed Forces, comprising the Sri Lanka Army, the Sri Lanka Navy, and the Sri Lanka Air Force, come under the purview of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The total strength of the three services is around 259,000 personnel, with nearly 36,000 reserves. [248]
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The World Food Programme works with governments and communities to reduce the impacts of disasters on their food security through resilience building, strengthening the capacities of social safety nets, emergency preparedness, analyses and early warning systems.
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Although the international community several months ago witnessed the end of the civil war which had lasted 37 years between the Sri Lankan army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), there are reports that hundreds of thousands of Tamil refugees remain in detention camps in Sri Lanka ...
President Maithripala Sirisena expressed his deep appreciation for all the political parties representing the Parliament for reaching an agreement to appropriately follow the guidance given by him at the All Party Meeting held yesterday to end the prevailed conflict situation in the Parliament.
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De la grande trahison du parti Lanka Sama Samaja à la fondation de la RCL (27.09.2018) 50ᵉ anniversaire de la fondation du PES (Sri Lanka) Les leçons de la grande trahison du parti Lanka …
Named with a nod to the designer’s love for denim, AMO apparel is deeply rooted in a passion for quality. In 2014, self-professed denim soulmates Kelly Urban and Misty Zollars launched the brand, determined to construct jeans that got better with longtime wear.
Condiţii de intrare şi regim de şedere. Cetăţenii români au nevoie de viză pentru a intra în Sri Lanka, iar pașaportul trebuie să fie valabil cel puțin 6 luni la data intrării în această țară.
Nov 22, 2018· Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field ...
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