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30 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06510, fuhitokojima1979@gmail. Milgrom: Department of Economics, Stanford University, CA 94305, paul@milgrom. We are grateful to Herv e Moulin and
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fuhitokojima1979@gmail Abstract. The random priority (random serial dictatorship) mechanism is a common method for assigning objects to individuals. The mechanism is easy to implement and ... Mihai Manea, Herv e Moulin, Muriel Niederle, Michael Ostrovsky, Parag Pathak, Ben Polak, Al Roth,
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E ciency and Stability of Probabilistic Assignments in Marriage Problems Battal Do gany Kemal Y ld zz October 29, 2015 Abstract We study marriage problems where two groups of …
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asymptotic equivalence of probabilistic serial and random priority 5 perhaps the most relevant e ciency concept in the context of assignment mechanisms based solely on ordinal preferences.
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