ERIE Motoriduttore pendolare haft mounted geared motor Motor )A (& ducteur pendulaire Flachgetriebemotoren Motorreductor pendular )A VaW0J=3]BV Contacter le fournisseur » full form of ag in grinding machine - rockcreations
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Here is some of the vocabulary that I've had to look for over 38 years in the translation business. Some of these terms can be fairly easily found in standard dictionaries; others, less so. This a fairly heterogeneous selection which I will add to occasionally. 2 pièces bandeau armatures underwired bandeau bikini 2 pièces…
The cableway breaks three world records for a pendular, or hanging, cable car system: at 127 meters, its steel column is the tallest, with 1,950 meters it overcomes the highest elevation difference and with a total run of 3,213 meters from base station to peak, it has the longest span.
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Examples of pendular in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Our pendular system already offers a way to apply small amounts of pressure with one foot for resulting tiny adjustments.
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Working in pendular with controlled entry Availability and tools parameters MADE IN ITALY. Universal Cylindrical Grinder GER C1000 CNC. Rectificadora cilindrica Rectifieuse Universelle C axes. 00:08:11 June 27, 2014, 1:24 am. Universal Cylindrical Grinder GER C1000 CNC. Rectificadora cilindrica Rectifieuse Universelle C axes.
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With the first full puff of the smoke he gave over his moans and yelps, the agitation began to fade out of him, and Daughtry, appreciatively waiting, saw the trembling go out of his hands, the pendulous lip-quivering cease, the saliva stop flowing from the corners of his mouth, and placidity come into the fiery remnants of his eyes.
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