Blaschak has signed a 20-year-lease with the Helfrick family that owns Mallard and anticipates mining between 200,000 and 300,000 tons of ready-to-burn anthracite annually, he said.
Anthracite coal produces the lowest cost per BTU and more consistent, even heating compared to other fuel sources. Southern Maine Renewable Fuels is pleased to offer home delivery of Blaschak bagged stove, nut, pea, and rice coal.
Blaschak Coal Corp. has a network of hundreds of anthracite dealers throughout North America, many of whom will deliver right to your front door. To find the nearest dealer, complete the Contact Form or call us at 570-773-2113 or toll-free at 1-800-553-3117 for more information.
Since 1937, Blaschak Coal Corporation has been at the forefront of the Anthracite industry, leading with technology, mining and land reclamation innovations.
Reading Anthracite is a national and global supplier for metallurgical and diverse manufacturing industries, commercial & municipal filtration applications, and residential and commercial heating. The inherent, natural qualities of anthracite coal from the Reading Anthracite Company address the needs for energy, carbon and media solutions.
Since 1937, Blaschak Coal Corporation has been in the forefront of the Anthracite industry by using the latest technology, equipment and mining innovations. • Convenient – …
Blaschak Coal Corporation packages coal in clean 40-pound tear proof poly bags that are ideal for today’s home use requirements. Because it burns so cleanly, anthracite leaves little ash for disposal and unlike wood burning fireplaces and stoves, anthracite requires little tending or cleaning.
Anthracite: Blaschak Rice Coal (40 lb bag); Blaschak Coal Pea (40 lb bag); and Blaschak Nut Coal (40 lb bag) Location: Aubuchon has stores in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.
We're also a full service Blaschak Anthracite Coal dealer, offering Hi-Lift coal delivery as well as bagged. Hamer's Hot One's Premium wood pellets are stocked all year long. k kkasjdl
Huge Congratulations goes out to Blaschak Coal Corp for being voted Best Coal Supplier of 2018! These guys know their stuff and produce the best and cleanest home heating anthracite coal we have seen!
The Blaschak Coal Corporation has a network of hundreds of anthracite dealers throughout North America. To find the dealers nearest you, please complete the Contact Form below or call (570) 773-2113 for more information.
becoming a blaschak coal crusher dealer | Solution for … Dealer Directory Locator – Reading Anthracite Coal. The Reading Anthracite Company is a leader in Pennsylvania's anthracite coal …
Purchase Anthracite Coal. Anthracite coal is a convenient, cost-effective way to heat your home. Anthracite coal is clean-burning and efficient--your stove will last longer, your house will stay cleaner, and you'll release fewer particulants into the air around your home.
Blaschak Anthracite Coal Clean burning anthracite coal directly from Pennsylvania. Anthracite is one of nature's cleanest burning solid fossil fuels and carbon sources known to man.
Valley View Farm is a distributor for Blaschak anthracite coal. Packaging-Blaschak anthracite coal is conveniently packaged in 40-pound plastic handle bags.Take a few home in the trunk of your car, have a pallet loaded into your truck, or we can deliver it.
Coal in Mount Carmel on YP. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Coal & Coke in Mount Carmel, PA. Start your search by typing in the business name below.
Contact us now for the best prices on anthracite coal. We are NJ’s first choice for coal delivery or pickup. Our staff is very knowledgeable on best practices for home heating and would be happy to discuss your options for saving time and money.
Dealer Directory Locator – Reading Anthracite Coal. The Reading Anthracite Company is a leader in Pennsylvania’s anthracite coal industry and a …
blaschak anthracite coal dealers KAMY is the worldwide leader in manufacturing hydraulic cutters, road headers, tunnel support systems, and other specialized machinery used in the tunneling, mining, and construction industries.
Sep 04, 2017· Coal Size/Type: Blaschak Anthracite Nut Other Heating: Oil hot water radiators ... General Topics Related to Heating With Coal ↳ Coal Prices & Quality, Coal Dealer Inquiries & Reviews ... ↳ Anthracite Coal History in Northeastern Pennsylvania ↳ Wood, Pellets, Gas, Oil, Geothermal & Other Heating Types ↳ Sales Announcements & Other ...
Reason #4 to use Blaschak anthracite: The anthracite used in U.S. residential heating is a domestic fuel. It is found in America, mined and processed by American workers, and sold to homeowners by American dealers.
Nov 11, 2018· Blaschak Coal Corporation mines, prepares, and markets anthracite coal. The company also provides apparel and hats online. It serves glass manufacturing, home and institutional heating, industrial ...
Anthracite coal producer Blaschak expects 2015 sales similar to record 2014 - Read this Platts coal news article here Plus discover more coal market news, products . live chat Dealer Directory Locator - Reading Anthracite Coal
The Blaschak Coal Corporation, with three anthracite mines and two processing facilities located in northeastern Pennsylvania’s coal country, has a good safety record compared with its industry peers. Blaschak’s incident rates and workers’ compensation claims are lower than the industry ...
Blaschak's Coal Anthracite Blaschak's Coal Anthracite X. Blaschak's Coal Anthracite Share this: ... annual stove maintenance is minimal and in most cases is provided as a service by the dealer. Environmentally Sound Anthracite's low sulfur and high carbon content makes it an extremely clean-burning fuel. It produces virtually no smoke or ...
Fresh off a record sales year in 2014, Pennsylvania anthracite coal producer Blaschak Coal is forecasting similar results in 2015 with more upside possible if unspecified projects the company is pursuing come to fruition later this year, Blaschak President and CEO Greg Driscoll said Thursday.
Anthracite coal is the oldest, hardest and cleanest type of coal. All of the anthracite coal used in the United States is produced domestically. According to Blaschak’s research, anthracite coal provides the following advantages:
The Reading Anthracite Company is a leader in Pennsylvania's anthracite coal industry and a source for energy, carbon, and media products and solutions.
Where to Buy Anthracite - Blaschak Coal Corporation. The Blaschak Coal Corporation has a network of hundreds of anthracite dealers throughout North America. To find the dealers nearest you, please complete the... Read more. Blaschak Coal Corporation.
Since 1937, Blaschak Coal Corporation has been in the forefront of the Anthracite industry by using the latest technology, equipment and mining innovations. We sell clean 40-pound, poly bags. These bags have a convenient handle and are ideal for use with coal stoves.
The Blaschak Coal Corporation has a network of hundreds of anthracite dealers throughout North America. To find the dealers nearest you, please complete the Contact Form or call (570) 773-2113 for more information.
The Anthracite Advantage. Anthracite is one of nature’s cleanest-burning solid fossil fuels and carbon sources. A specialty mineral, anthracite is cleaner and harder than other forms of coal and offers the highest heat value of all coals.
We sell and a dealer for Alaska, Keystone, and Hitzer coal stoves from Indiana. We have been selling coal since 1926 and coal stoves since 1986. Located in the hamlet of Ray, in the township of Alexander, Ray Station was a train stop on the DL&W Railroad.
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