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Peterson Portable Sawmills are manufacturers of quality portable log mills and slabbers. We offer versatile, portable swingblade sawmills and wide slabbers with …
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Hud-Son Homesteader sawmills for the Homesteader, Farm, or Hobbyist. Produce your own lumber for any number of construction or hobbyist projects, or maximize the resources from your own woodland. Features the curved 2 post and vertical lift tube design.
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Junior Peterson Portable Sawmill, set up and ready to mill Find this Pin and more on Camp by Becky Hyler . Peterson Portable Sawmills are manufacturers of quality portable log mills and slabbers.
Jul 10, 2007· Email: sales@petersonsawmills This video shows how easy it is to cut a log from start to finish with a Peterson swingblade sawmill. Here we show the Peterson …
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Peterson Sawmills’ 6″, 8″ and 10″ circular blades are made from high-grade steel, with solid tungsten carbide tips. The tips are easily sharpened by the operator in around five minutes and can either be replaced by you (please see Peterson’s Re-Tipping Jig documentation) or …
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