The UNDP SDG Impact Finance (UNSIF) High-Level Advisory Board (HLAB) is designed to provide strategic advice to UNSIF on the most important challenges, opportunities and decisions of the initiative.
A race we can win. A race we must win UN 2019 Climate Summit. As the Secretary-General has said, climate change continues to move faster than our efforts to address it.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations commissioned a world class group of biophysicists to contribute a background report for the forthcoming UN Global Sustainable Development Report. To paraphrase what the scientists told the UN: Brace for Impact. A longer version of what they said is that ...
United Nations Economic Impact Report. This study is part of a larger initiative of my office, The New Yorkness of the UN, which seeks to create new opportunities for learning and partnership between New Yorkers and the UN in an effort to fully integrate the UN Community into the fabric of our multicultural and
The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to undertake partnerships in support of UN goals.
MUN Impact is collaborating with the United Nations Department of Public Information to bring you a first of its kind MUN experience: a conference focusing on making impact to support the SDGs through Model UN.
These waste products, if not handled correctly, can negatively impact the host country's environment. In some places like Darfur and northern Mali, where water is a scarce resource, the local community may see the UN mission as a resource competitor.
mark deleted the UNDay.mp4 attachment from UN Impact Cards mark attached UNDay.mp4 to UN Impact Cards mark attached image.png to UN Impact Cards mark deleted the Making_an_impact_(20).png attachment from UN Impact Cards Karin Orantes attached Knotted_Gun_Twitter.jpg to UN Impact Cards Karin Orantes ...
People centred. Innovative. Knowledge driven. UNDP assists partners to achieve sustainable, people-centered development through an integrated approach that links policy with planning and programming, for promoting results based management, instating quality social and environmental safeguards, monitoring and evaluating impact and equally learning from failures and successes.
The United Nations Global Impact. This report marks the 15th anniversary of the launch of the United Nations Global Compact. 15 years ago, a small group of leaders from the UN and business came up with a visionary proposal: to align corporate practices with ten universal principles; to mobilise the global business community to advance UN goals ...
The supply of impact capital is expected to rise but, as yet, impact investment’s share in global financial markets is estimated to be at around only 0.1 percent of global wealth. If this share rises to 2 percent, it could mean over US$5.6 trillion invested in impact-driven assets.
Honestly speaking, UN Academic Impact is the path of achieving SDGs worldwide. I am purposefully working to be an active participant of UN Academic Impact Principles in my Country, Yemen in particular and globally in general.
The journey of IMPACT started in Vigo. 25 startups were selected to show their innovation and ideas in the sector of connected cars. Out of those 25, only 15 moved to the next round. All the selected startups were to take part in the six-month acceleration program and make an IMPACT.
The Impact of the UN Oil-for-Food Scandal The oil-for-food case has triggered moves toward reform at the UN but the shockwaves have just begun to reach capitals of nation- states and corporate ...
The United Nations is based on the principle that the Organization shall ensure that States which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with the principles of its founding treaty. This is the sixth of the principles stated in article 2 of the United Nations Charter.
In recent years, United Nations peace operations have increasingly begun addressing environmental challenges related to their own impact and the conditions in which they operate. Missions, particularly large deployments in arid, land-locked countries, have considerable resource requirements and can ...
13 days ago· Women in London have told the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty they are bearing the brunt of government welfare cuts, and described how austerity has left infants homeless and exacerbated ...
the impact of a runner's foot landing on the track → l'impact du pied d'un coureur sur la piste the impact of the crash was so great that BUT le choc fut si violent que.
* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change. Links UN ...
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is a global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in furthering the realization of the purposes and mandate of the Organization through activities and research in a shared culture of intellectual social responsibility.
The Mayor’s Office for International Affairs, in collaboration with the New York City Economic Development Corporation, released the United Nations Impact Report 2016, an analysis that outlines the economic costs and benefits to New York City, based on data from 2014, due to the presence of the permanent headquarters of the United Nations and UN Community.
Joining the UN Global Compact naturally aligns with our business practices that safeguard human rights, support fair labor, reduce environmental impact and defend against corruption. Learn more about our commitment to live by the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles.
The latest Tweets from UN Academic Impact (@ImpactUN). The United Nations Academic Impact works with universities and institutions of higher education to …
Comm' UN Impact, Rennes. 36 likes. Agence de communication. Publicité tous supports. Objets, textiles, lettrage vitrine, véhicules...
Job vacancies in the European Union, United Nations and International Organizations
It was in 2015, when 193 countries agreed on 17 common Goals to achieve up to 2030. Three years after the Goals are still measured by outdated aggregated data from National statistics offices. So ...
The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact are derived from: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.
Impact of UN SDGs Problem: Our society and planet face a set of seemingly intractable long-term social and environmental challenges. While generally accepted as important societal concerns, many of these issues fail to attract the capital necessary in the short and intermediate term to …
The United Nations Academic Impact, also known by its acronym UNAI, is a United Nations initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the United Nations …
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