Industry specific information on Sub-Saharan Africa is changing very rapidly. In order to provide the most current information regarding this industry we have sorted advisors (advisor tab) and network members (ABP Network tab) by industry.
Revue internationale P.M.E.: Économie et gestion de la petite et moyenne entreprise 28:1, . Hardeep Chahal , Sanjay Mishra , Swati Raina , Tarun Soni . (2014) A comprehensive model of business social responsibility (BSR) for small scale enterprises in Indian context.
In the last 25 years, the mining sector has become an important field of investigation and controversy for anthropologists. As an object, the ‘mine’ itself poses specific problems that make it ...
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Pakistan. The Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as an independent sovereign state on 14th August 1947, as a result of the division of former British India.
A groundbreaking and innovative study of African women’s struggles to deal with gender-bias in financial and economic policies, the 300-page volume covers 13 case studies in the countries of Togo, Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Chad and Ghana.
Vue d'ensemble. Offrant les niveaux les plus élevés de productivité en matière d'enlèvement du mort-terrain, au coût total par tonne le plus faible, la 8750 est le …
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Among policy-makers and governments, there is a broad consensus that artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) needs to be ‘formalized’ – embodied in a standardized legal framework that is registered in and governed by a central state system-, the basic condition being that artisanal miners are given formal property rights.
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This article contributes to the debate on the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – low-tech, labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing – in developing countries.
Outsourcing and Unbundling / Utilisation des ressources externes et démantèlement partiel d'entreprise Chair Arzaghi, Mohammad (National Bureau of Economic Research)
As has become usual, our prestigious 12-day Emerging African Leader fellowship programme this year was packed with an exciting array of speakers, discussions and activities.
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SMEs Small & Medium Enterprises 2011 Vol. 5 / Issue 1 TELLING OUR STORY. Creating factory jobs in ALBANIA Raising incomes in MOZAMBIQUE. Opening new sources of credit in MOROCCO Supporting new opportunities ... that holds SMEs back • BUSINESS REGISTRATION (Making it easier to join the
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